Just wanted to send a brief update on some of the items that we listed below as prayer requests.
We have seen God work in so many ways to prepare us for this trip to Zambia. One of our large concerns was how to treat the potential of malaria. Through much prayers, investigations, and wisdom from doctors in our area we have decided to take a pill (Mefloquine) once a week to help combat the potential of contracting malaria if we were to be bitten by a mosquito which carried the disease. We feel comfortable with this decision. We will still sleep under nets and be sure to use repellant when outside, especially from dusk to dawn.
God has also provided a house for us to live it! This is a huge answer to prayer!! After looking at many homes for rent, God led Bonnie (the missionary who founded CCM) to a duplex that is within a walled area with another duplex. This should be good for safety. The home is within walking distance of CCM (something that we were praying for). Bonnie has been busy trying to get furnishings for us before we arrive. The home is 3 bedroom 2 1/2 baths. Our children decided that the “lefties” would share a room and the “righties” would share the other room.
As the bags are almost completely packed, the house is somewhat in order, and the goodbyes are being said, our family is getting excited about the adventure that God has called us to. We know that it is going to be hard, there will be lots of tears, but we are anxiously anticipating the work that the Lord will do in all of our lives. Our prayer is that each of us will be open to be taught by the Lord and that we will be ready to receive His word and His truth in our lives.
Thank you for your prayers and support. I imagine that the next update will be after Dave, Mary-Frances, and David have reached Zambia.