I received this update from David yesterday.
Hey mom this is David,
Today was my first day of school and I had a lot of fun! I met a lot of new friends and they are all really nice!! I also have a few friends in our neighborhood and one is Bwimbia and the other Gift….there are also two girls that are six and seven which I think Ella and Sadie Grace will enjoy playing with…Mary-Frances taught them today and she says that they are really sweet!! Our house is A lot nicer than you will think and a lot bigger then what you are expecting!!! The first day we got here Bonnie gave us REALLY good mac-n-cheese noodle stuff! I LOVE you and can’t wait to see you! Tell Ella and SG hi for me!!! love you guys!! David |
Mary-Frances also wrote and so did Dave. They seem to be doing well. Mary-Frances described herself as numb. (Neither happy nor sad) Dave said he completely understood what she was saying. He said the numbness comes from the fact that the “novelty” has worn off and now each day they are just trying to figure out the new culture and how to survive. They have had electrical problems and continual problems with no hot water. Once I get there, hopefully the meals will become more stable for them. Dave also said that he is learning to drive a HUGE vehicle that is stick shift where everything is opposite, including the left and right pedals. I can’t wait to see him navigate us! I know he will do terrific but I think it has been challenging. I was able to talk to all three of them for a brief time yesterday. It was encouraging to hear their voices and to hear that they are ok. It will still be about 2 weeks before we have computer access in our home (everything in Africa takes a LONG time). Meanwhile, they will continue to use the internet at CCM when they are able. Thank you for your continued prayers.