Stearns Family Update

Just wanted to give you an update on the family.

Thank you so much for your prayers and concerns for all of us.  So many of you have specifically asked about how Sadie Grace was doing in school.  Dave and I decided to allow her to have last week off of school since the first day didn’t go so well.  She and I had a sweet time at home, continuing to get the house settled.  We decided to start her in school again this week.  Monday was a National Holiday, because the Zambian second president had died the week before.  So, Tuesday she went to school.  She was so brave as we walked the 1/4 mile to the school.  I really thought she would be fine.  After 30 minutes of crying though, the school called for me to come and get her.  Dave decided to accompany her this morning to school.  He told her that they would stay for 1 hour.  She did great with him in there.  Tomorrow I will go with her, and we will probably send Lydia with her on Friday.  Next week is the school’s mid-term break, so the following week will really be telling.  Dave thinks the experience of being in school with children from a completely different culture would be a terrific experience for her.  But, if she doesn’t make it, we are fine with me homeschooling her.

Lydia is having fun teaching PE to the students at the Trust School.  She will be thankful when the 2 coaches from Florida come with all of the equipment that they have raised money for.  I am proud of her and how she is adjusting and the dedication that she is showing to the school.  It has been fun for her to have her friend, Berkley, to help her get started with teaching.

The rest of the children continue to amaze me.  They are well and happy.  They are learning a few phrases in Bimba and are always ready to wave to a new person, share toys with existing friends, and love on those who are needy.  They all love our times at the orphanage and are looking forward to spending the year serving there. This afternoon Dave and I had an encouraging God ordained meeting with Mildred, the sweet woman who is in charge of the orphanage we will be working with.  The ministry is called Sara Rose Foundation.  It is a ministry which places value on each and every person God creates.  Their ministry has many facets.  They have an orphanage, a home for street boys, a home for unwed teens who are pregnant, and a ministry feeding the poor.  We are excited about our opportunity to serve with them.

In our little compound, the Caretaker has 4 children that our children play with each day.  There are 2 girls, age 10.  (One is a niece who lives with them.)  The boys are precious and so cute.  They are 7 and 4.  They are super shy, but are beginning to open up to us.  Chanda, the 7 year old, learned the words “kick” and “stop” yesterday.  There is also a 16 year old girl, Annie, who lives next door that Mary-Frances and Lydia are developing a relationship with.  She cooked a traditional Zambian meal for us on Sunday, and today we took her macaroni and cheese.  It is not a mistake that God has placed us in this home, and we are looking forward to the work that He will do through us in the lives of our neighbors this year.

I think that I continue to have the hardest time of all of us adjusting.  For being a complete homebody (I hate change), having a sensitive nose (there is trash EVERYWHERE here!), and being someone who thrives in routine and order, this has been a complete challenge.  God is showing me to not look ahead, or back, just focus on today.  He is showing me that I have to rely completely on Him each and every moment of each and every day.  And He is showing me that He is a God who desires me to be stretched in ways which seem unthinkable so that He can have my complete heart.  Lots of lessons!  In the midst of some of the hard adjustments, there have been some sweet surprises.  Our pastor from Georgia was here last weekend and actually preached in the church we are attending (kind of felt like home).  We are meeting some wonderful new people.  I have a walking buddy named Caroline who is a teacher at the Trust School.  I have enjoyed the few walks and talks that we have had.  A sweet lady named Victoria (whom Dave and Lydia met last time they were here and really enjoyed) is helping me with all of the laundry.  I will definitely appreciate my washer and dryer when I get home!  Also, a couple of months ago a small international grocery store opened up about 1 1/2 miles from where we live.  It is clean and best of all it sells really good ice cream! (Ha-ha)

Dave began his first teaching assignment on Monday.  He is teaching on one of his passions, “Marriage and Family.”  He has loved his time studying, as well as, his time teaching the eager Zambian Bible College students.  Recently, Dave was invited by a local pastor to teach 2 Saturday seminars, one on Marriage and Family and one on being a Christian businessman.  Dave has been patient and understanding as we all (especially me) are trying to adjust to this new culture.

Our friends, the Kirsche’s, come in 10 days to stay with us for a week and then take their son, Berkley,  home with them.  We are all excited about our visit with them.

That’s it for now.  We all love when we get e-mails from you.  Keep sending them!!!

In Christ Alone,


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